王继光 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院
24 h动态血压监测对血压管理至关重要,甚至必不可少。其带来的益处显而易见,可排除白大衣高血压,也可帮助医生发现隐匿性高血压,更重要的是能监测降压治疗的效果,评估患者血压是否在24 h内均得到控制。因为只有控制24 h血压,才能真正降低高....
<International Circulation>: How common is vasospastic angina in patients with chest pain?
Dr. Beltrame:&nb....
<International Circulation>: The new American atrial fibrillation guidelines recommend both warfarin and the new oral anticoagulant agents for....
1. @Martin Mckee:当政府不采取行动,也不会失去一切。
2. @Lis Neubeck:如果你的球队没有实力就不要踢足球!把会上的信息带回家。
3. @Caleb Ferguson:心脏科护士必须持续优化患者护理措施。
4. @Emma Curnin:女性可以选择....
<International Circulation>: The polypill is a hot topic at this meeting. What are the most important advantages of using a polypill instead....
<International Circulation>: As a co-Chair of the Scientific Committee of this meeting, what are the highlights of the conference?
Dr. Ri....
<International Circulation>: This meeting has some ‘Best of Clinical Trials’ sessions which will look at recent trials such as COM....
<International Circulation>: You have just made a presentation on the potential usage of RDN (renal sympathetic denervation) in the treatment ....