

作者:国际循环网   日期:2011/5/19 16:18:03



会 议 简 介
美国高血压协会第26届科学年会(ASH 2011)会 议 议 程
8:00 AM – 12:30 PM ? West Ballroom ? Third Floor
Hypertension for the Primary Care Clinician 2011
7:30 AM Breakfast
8:00 AM to 9:00 AM
The Management of the Hypertensive Patient Before and After Surgery
Co-Chairs: Jan N. Basile, MD, FASH, Charleston, SC and F. Wilford Germino, MD, FASH, Orland Park, IL
8:00 AM Case Presentation
F. Wilford Germino, MD, FASH
8:10 AM Pre-operative Evaluation of the Patient with Hypertension
James B. Froehlich, MD, MPH, Ann Arbor, MI
8:35 AM Peri-operative Management of the Hospitalized Patient with Hypertension
John D. Bisognano, MD, PhD, FASH, Rochester, NY
9:00 AM to 10:00 AM A Systems Approach to Optimize Blood Pressure Control
Co-Chairs: Paula T. Einhorn, MD, MS, Bethesda, MD and Gbenga Ogedegbe, MD, MPH, MS, FASH, New York, NY
9:00 AM Exporting Lifestyle Modification into Your Practice Laura P. Svetkey, MD, Durham, NC
9:20 AM Electronic Medical Records and the Hypertension Initiative in the Carolinas
Brent M. Egan, MD, FASH, Charleston, SC
9:40 AM A Team Based Approach to Blood Pressure Control
Barry L. Carter, PharmD, Iowa City, IA
10:00 AM Break
10:15 AM to 11:15 AM Evaluation of Resistant Hypertension
Co-Chairs: Louis Kuritzky, MD, Gainesville, FL and Samuel J. Mann, MD, New York, NY
10:15 AM Out of Office Monitoring to Rule Out Resistant Hypertension
Angela L. Brown, MD, St. Louis, MO
10:30 AM Outpatient Evaluation for Secondary Causes of Resistant Hypertension
Emmanuel Bravo, MD, Cleveland, OH
10:55 AM Treatment of Resistant Hypertension: Tricks of the Trade
William J. Elliott, MD, PhD, FASH, Yakima, WA
11:15 AM Panel Discussion: How Has the Management of Hypertension in Primary Care Changed Since JNC 7?
Chair: Michael J. Bloch, MD, FASH, Reno, NV
Panel Discussion Participants:
George L. Bakris, MD, FASH, Chicago, IL,Jan N. Basile, MD, FASH, Charleston, SC,
Angela L. Brown, MD, St. Louis, MO and Leonard M. Fromer, MD, Los Angeles, CA
This Live activity, Hypertension for the Primary Care Clinician 2011,has been reviewed and is acceptable for up to 4.25 Prescriptive credits by the American Academy of Family Physicians. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

9:00 AM – 10:30 AM ? Sutton North ? Second Floor
The Role of Neurohumoral and VasoactiveSubstances in Hypertension
Held in Partnership with the International Pediatric Hypertension Association (IPHA)
Co-Chairs: Donald L. Batisky, MD, Atlanta, GA and
Jay N. Cohn, MD, Minneapolis, MN
9:00 AM Effects of Endothelin Blockade on Blood Pressure:Pro and Con
David M. Pollock, PhD, Augusta, GA
9:30 AM The Interplay of Race/Ethnicity, Inflammation and Elevated Blood Pressure in Children and
Marc B. Lande, MD, MPH, Rochester, NY
10:00 AM Dopamine, the Kidney and Hypertension
Pedro A. Jose, MD, Washington, DC

9:00 AM – 10:30 AM ? Regent Parlor ? Second Floor
Renin-Angiotensin System in Hypertension: Regulation and Consequences
Held in Partnership with the Inter-American Society of Hypertension (IASH)
Co-Chairs: Haralambos Gavras, MD, Boston, MA and
L. Gabriel Navar, PhD, New Orleans, LA
9:00 AM Introduction: The Intratubular RAS in Hypertension
L. Gabriel Navar, PhD
9:22 AM Role of the Transcription Factor ETS-1 as Mediator of Angiotensin II Induced End-Organ Injury
Edgar A. Jaimes, MD, Birmingham, AL
9:44 AM Hypertension, Insulin Resistance and Oxidative Stress
Leopoldo Raij, MD, FASH, Miami, FL
10:06 AM Therapeutic Efficacy of New Renin Inhibitors
Luis Juncos, MD, Córdoba, Argentina

9:00 AM – 10:40 AM ? Sutton Center ? Second Floor
The 3rd American Society of Hypertension/China Social Worker’s Association Vascular Protection Committee Session on Early Vascular Disease Detection and Management: Experience from China
Co-Chairs: Suzanne Oparil, MD, FASH, Birmingham, AL and Hongyu Wang, MD, PhD, Beijing, China
9:00 AM Chinese Guidelines for Early Vascular Disease Detection 2011: Experience from China
Hongyu Wang, MD, PhD
9:20 AM Role of Cardiometabolic Syndrome and Related Vascular Disease in Chinese Elderly
Ting Tao, MD, Shanghai, China
9:40 AM Epidemiology of Hypertension and Peripheral Vascular Disease in China
Jianfang Luo, MD, Guangzhou, China
10:00 AM Carotid IMT Examination for Atherosclerosis Screening in Diabetes
Yuan Guo, MD, MS, Beijing, China
10:20 AM Arterial Stiffness Parameters Integrated for Vascular Health Evaluation in Hypertensive Patients
Tianhu Liu, MD, Chengdu, China

9:00 AM – 10:30 AM ? Sutton South ? Second Floor
Overcoming Clinical Inertia: Changing Practice Paradigms on Both Sides of the 49th Parallel Held in Partnership with Hypertension Canada

Co-Chairs: Ross Feldman, MD, London, Canada and
Alan H. Gradman, MD, FASH, Pittsburgh, PA
9:00 AM Introduction: Definitions and Scope of the Issue
Joel M. Neutel, MD, FASH, Tustin, CA
9:10 AM Clinic Focused Educational Interventions to Improve Blood Pressure Control: Using the Heart and Stroke Hypertension Clinic Model as the Paradigm
Sheldon W. Tobe, MD, FASH, Toronto, Canada
9:35 AM Simplifying Treatment Algorithms as a Means of Reducing Clinical Inertia
Ross Feldman, MD
10:00 AM US Approaches for Guidelines Implementation William C. Cushman, MD, FASH, Memphis, TN
10:10 AM Implementation and Impact of the Canadian Hypertension Education Program
Norman R.C. Campbell, MD, Calgary, Canada
10:20 AM Questions and Answers Debates
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Sutton South ? Second Floor Debate: Is it Blood Pressure Variability or Average Daily Blood Pressure that Best Predicts Stroke?
Moderator: William B. White, MD, FASH, Farmington, CT
11:00 AM Blood Pressure Variability
Peter M. Rothwell, MD, Oxford, United Kingdom
11:20 AM Average Daily Blood Pressure
Eoin O’Brien, MD, Dublin, Ireland
11:40 AM Rebuttal
11:55 AM Questions and Answers
Regent Parlor ? Second Floor
Debate: Surgical Intervention for Renal Artery Stenosis is Indicated
Moderator: Bryan Williams, MD, Leicester, United Kingdom
11:00 AM Yes: Thomas A. Sos, MD, New York, NY
11:20 AM No: Lance D. Dworkin, MD, Providence, RI
11:40 AM Rebuttal
11:55 AM Questions and Answers

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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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