
[WHC2009]Peter Nilsson教授谈心血管疾病三大危险因素

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/11/5 9:31:00


International Circulation: Increased blood pressure, lipids and glucose are the three common risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. What are the differences between them? 《国际循环》:血压、血脂、血糖升高是心血管疾病最重要的三大危险因素,他们危害有何不同?

International Circulation: Do you think it is necessary to treat patients with pre-hypertension and/or which patients with pre-hypertension need to be treated?

Prof Nilsson: First of all we need to define things. Blood pressure is constantly shifting and you should base your judgment on a series of mean blood pressure recordings. That is obvious. If you have a patient with pre-hypertension or high-normal blood pressure status, the first thing is not to measure things but to ask about things. What should we ask for? A positive family history of cardiovascular disease is very important. Lifestyle habits. Psycho-social background characteristics are also important. Who should we treat? The ones with a positive family history of cardiovascular disease are very prone to developing such disease themselves and if they have a state of high-normal blood pressure or pre-hypertension in early adulthood they are prone to continue on that path to get established hypertension and to develop cardiovascular disease. I am not advocating to treat everybody, but to focus on the ones with a positive family history for example. In the future we might even ask people for their birth weight based on register data perhaps, but many will not remember this.

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