
[CHL2008]Geoffrey Donnan教授访谈-缺血性卒中的静脉溶栓治疗

作者:国际循环网   日期:2008/11/18 13:58:00


<Internaitonal Circulation>: In your presentation, you mentioned the EPITHET trial, which showed that there is no significant difference in the primary outcome, but it has a trend. The secondary endpoint shows statistical significance. What are the possible reasons for the non-significance of the primary outcome? Do you think the result of EPITHET trial has enough power to change the current therapeutic window for intravenous thrombolysis? 《国际循环》:您在演讲时提到了EPITHET试验,其主要临床结果有差异,但差异无显著性,次级终点有显著差异。您认为主要终点没有显著差异的可能原因是什么?您认为EPITHET试验的结果是否会改变静脉溶栓的治疗窗?

<Internaitonal Circulation>: In your presentation, you mentioned the EPITHET trial, which showed that there is no significant difference in the primary outcome, but it has a trend. The secondary endpoint shows statistical significance. What are the possible reasons for the non-significance of the primary outcome? Do you think the result of EPITHET trial has enough power to change the current therapeutic window for intravenous thrombolysis?

Prof. Donnan: A very good question. Firstly, it was probably a bit underpowered and it should have been a bigger trial. It was a phase two trial. So it showed as you were saying enough trends and enough positive secondary outcome measures for us to be very encouraged about the time window and it encouraged us to plan the phase three study. But because it is a phase two study it was never designed to change practice. When you run a phase two trial, the idea is to show that it is feasible and it is safe and the end it might have surrogate outcome measures that are positive. We showed it is feasible, it’s safe and some of the surrogate outcome measures were positive, so that was enough for us to say that it’s good. We can now go on to the phase three study.

<Internaitonal Circulation>: Include more patients?

Prof. Donnan: Include more patients, yes. So it’s encouraging.

<Internaitonal Circulation>: In EPITHET, what kind of method did you use to monitor the reperfusion?

Prof. Donnan: We used the MR - PWI perfusion weighted imaging. So, it was the number of patients who achieved 90% perfusion on the repeat study at 3~5 days. We got the initial perfusion scan and then the repeat perfusion scan at 3~5 days. It was the difference in the number of patients who had almost completely reperfused.

<Internaitonal Circulation>: According to the studies in the past, how about the correlation of the reperfusion with all these imaging techniques, do you think that this is a good technique to study reperfusion?

Prof. Donnan: That’s reperfusion of the tissue. Also, there is recanalization of the artery itself, the big artery. That, we measured by MRI but because MRI is difficult, the image quality was often not good enough for us to determine the outcome so our measure was always going to be the perfusion image.

<Internaitonal Circulation>: rt-PA is a traditional thrombolytic agent. It has been used by clinicians all around the world for a long time. Are there any new thrombolytic agents under development or in clinical trials that have shown promise for the intravenous thrombolysis? So all these new drugs work in the same mechanism? What about the agents versus rtPA?《国际循环》:rt-PA是常规溶栓药物,全世界医生使用该药已经有很长时间了。现在是否有新的静脉溶栓药在开发中或者在进行临床试验?这些新药的作用机制都一样吗?这些药物跟rtPA相比如何?

Prof. Donnan: Yes, there’s one called tenecteplase, which is in trial in Australia and a few other countries. There’s another one called desmoteplase, and that was the ECASS-3 study, which was negative, but they are going to run it again because there were lots of technical problems with the trial. So they are the main two that are being developed--tenecteplase and desmoteplase. Similar mechanism in that they dissolve clots, but both of those have a theoretical advantage in that they may not have as much hemorrhagic side effect, particularly desmoteplase. We didn’t study those agents, but certainly the safety of desmoteplase in all the desmoteplase studies that have been done, there have now been three studies, have shown each time that they are probably as safe, if not safer than tPA.

<Internaitonal Circulation>: We often take neurological examinations to see if patients improve after thrombolytic therapy and there are other measures which we can use to see if the patients improve. But are there any studies that observe the long term outcome of thrombolytic therapy? If you take reperfusion as a secondary endpoint, but reperfusion can by harmful sometimes. So what do you think of the long term outcome?

Prof. Donnan: I think it’s absolutely critical that you have hard clinical outcomes for the phase three studies. If you are going to change clinical practice, you must have clinical outcome measures. So, ECASS-3, for example, the one I have mentioned before, was a clinical outcome measure at three months and traditionally it is done at three months. So all the trials that have been phase three trials have used a three-month outcome measure and it’s been a clinical outcome measure, usually a disability score like the Modified Rankin Score, is the most commonly used.

<Internaitonal Circulation>: According to the results of clinical studies,should progressive ischemic stroke patients receive thrombolytic therapy?

Prof. Donnan: Yes, if it is within the time window of 3.3 hours or 4.5 hours. If they are progressing within that period, yes. However, if they have had a stroke, recovered, and then progress—no.

<Internaitonal Circulation>:

版面编辑:张家程  责任编辑:其他


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